The Birdhouse Tree

The Birdhouse Tree. From a triple Oak tree we had mostly cut down, the tall stumps find their purpose. Jimmy painted and hung these first three houses. He bought them from AC Moore and painted them. He is going to work from the design of these to make more. We also have a goard to drill a hole in and paint from last years Philly Home Show, I think that’s where we got it.

Today’s visitor was caught on camera. No, not a bird. A squirrel.

The first birdhouse we had in the backyard last year was from grandma. Unfortunately it weathered so needs much repair before it goes back up. It also needs the copper plate in front to protect the birds and eggs from squirrels. Squirrels chewed at the holes in her birdhouse so it can’t go back up until it is fixed. It also needs a coating of something to weather protect it.
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