Category Archives: Geek

Damn Ampersands

I came across a bug with the jQuery serialize() method. The issue seemed random and I could not identify the source. Now I found it, and it makes total sense. I have an application that tracks member information and added…
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Ebay’s VeRO Program Works!

Ebay’s VeRO Program really does work. Less than 24 hours and “Traja Enterprises” auctions featuring our Cora were removed from eBay’s server. The ebay seller claims to be from Canada but auctions ship from Hong Kong. They lifted the below…
Posted in Cora, Geek, Our Companions | Leave a comment

Why I Reject Yahoo Email

In March of this year I had at least five friends / acquaintances have their Yahoo accounts hacked. I tried to educate people on passwords but it became exhausting. Now I block these emails and auto-respond with the reason and recommendations.
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