Chick-Fil-A: Free Speech? No. Bigotry? Yes.

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It is quite shocking to me that so many people, many of my (were) “friends”, can base strong “religious” beliefs or “American” pride on an issue they really know nothing about. But they do know that they obey their taste buds first. That part I believe relates more to the obesity problem of this country– but that is a different story.

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” was truly an upsetting day for me. At first learn of it I thought, what a silly idea. When I saw the lines of people at all the stores, that was very upsetting. One thing one must realize is, many of these people lining up outside stores to support the company are not religious- they are homophobic bigots looking for an opportunity to publicly show their hatred to a minority group. It was truly a shameful day in our country, as well as a reminder that you can’t always believe polls. Polls may show that public opinion is shifting and support for marriage equality and LGBT rights is growing, but there is still much hate left in this country.

I wish that there was some kind of sign-up method that in order to show your support you had to give your name and zip code before you could eat your meal. I would have loved to have seen that sign-up sheet be made public so that their pride could be available for the world to see. I compare this to pulling the sheets off clan members. Real brave, the haters were who were out in force eating fast food in the name of “traditional marriage”. I would have liked to have that database available to search for my friends and neighbors.

I have made my plea to all I consider a friend to stand with me in a boycott of Chick-Fil-A. After I explain to them the real reason to why I ask they not spend their money at their stores, I believe I have been successful, respected, and loved. Some I wonder about still, have become more distant with, and if I ever find them eating one of those “chikin” sandwiches, that’s the end of that friendship.

I could care less what the company stands for. If Dan Cathy chooses to believe in what he calls “traditional marriage” (which isn’t that traditional), that’s fine with me. I’m am fine with Cathy and his “we’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage”. That part is free speech. That part is a First Amendment issue. The problem that I have with this company is where profits go. Ever hear of the WinShape Foundation? Probably not.

I invite you to educate yourself and read past the headline. If not, and you still support Chick-Fil-A for their “traditional marriage” values or their “free speech”, go ahead and “Eat Mor Chikin”, you ignorant bigot.

Equality Matters – Chick-Fil-A Fact Check

Chick-Fil-A controversy shines light on company’s charitable giving

All the Anti Gay Companies You Fund When You Spend $5.25 On a Chick-fil-A Sandwich

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda

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Chick-Fil-A-Hates-Fags image source:

Don’t be ignorant. Educate yourself. Read past the headline. #lgbt #gay #NOH8 #p2 #ChickFilA @ChickFilA

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