A few days ago something got to one of our jalapeño plants. Fine. The peppers were all nursery bought and it is still early in the season so Jimmy bought another one which should go into the ground tonight.
My boss was kind enough to give us three of his extra tomato plants. One 4th of July, which I stressed over for weeks in keeping alive, as it was too soon to put it out in the garden. Then later he gave us two Giant Belgium plants. After a week they went out into the garden.
This morning the “Varmint(s) of Voorhees” struck again, this time taking from one of the Giant Belgium plants! This was truly an act of war. First I grabbed some cayenne pepper and sprinkled it around these three tomato plants from my boss. Next I ran to Home Depot, bought 50′ of galvanized poultry fencing, and surrounded the tomato section. This is now two levels of fencing around this section of the garden. The 4th of July, get this, has even a 3rd layer of protection — it is also surrounded with hardware cloth fencing! He left most of the Giant Belgium tomato plant so it should survive.
The pepper section will get this same treatment after Jimmy finishes with the pepper replacement. Click any thumbnail below to see larger image. Once open, left and right arrow keys can be used to move between them.
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Our 2013 Garden

4th of July Tomato
Giant Belgium Tomato
Brandywine Tomato
Rutgers Hybrid Tomato
Roma Tomato
Pickling Cucumber
Burpless Cucumber
Red Bell Pepper
Jalapeño Pepper