WordPress Bug Solved, Again!

It surprises me that this is still a bug, but even in the latest version of WordPress 3.3 apparently it continues. Someone else figured this out and posted the fix the last time I fixed it for this blog, richiemadden.com, but I didn’t self document the fix good enough and when Jimmy had problems on his blog, I troubleshooted this time to find the problem.

Can you read this, in between the quotes===>   “can you read this?” – No, you can’t. Because it is white font on a white background. The other problem was the “Visual” tab in the WP Post/Page Editor was not available, sometimes / inconsistent.

Using Fiddler I was able to easily find the problem, a broken reference to a JavaScript file. In the “langs” folder there should be a file en.js, “en” is for English- the language of my blog [YOUR_LOCALE]. After running Fiddler and then browsing to the page that was giving me problems it was complaining it could not find this file. I checked the directory on the server and the only *.js file there was named wp-langs-en.js — I renamed it to en.js and all works fine now.

The path to this file in the basic WordPress installation is:

If the TinyMCE Advanced plugin is installed, you may need to add this file to the following:



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